Gabriel WEBER
Professeur d'études internationales et développement durable - ESSCA
Call for Papers

Dates: 23-28 October 2023
Venue: University of Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia

This year's conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) will address the concept of “economies for life,” referring to the variety of economic processes that enhance the quality of life and, at the same time, contribute to preserving or recovering life-sustaining ecological functions and means for survival, such social cohesion, biodiversity, access to potable water and livable climate regulation.

There will be two main events at the conference:

  • A course for policy makers
  • Academic sessions (bi-lingual in English and Spanish)

Gabriel Weber, Associate Professor of International Studies and Sustainable Development at ESSCA Bordeaux and member of ESSCA's EU*Asia Institute, will co-chair two sessions at the academic event:

Session 10: “Business Ecological Economics” – towards an Ecological Economics based view of the Firm

This regular track advocates “Business Ecological Economics” defined as an applied sub-field that is concerned with applying concepts and theories of ecological economics to concrete business contexts, and thereby facilitates sustainability transition, critical thinking, and change.

The purpose of the regular track is to include critical ecological economics notions, in core business curricula but also in industry practice and related policy making. Papers presented in this special session may contribute to one or more of the following research questions:

  • How can ecological economics inform the theory of the firm ?
  • How can alternative concepts like “counter-reporting” (Bontempi, 2021), “corporate social irresponsibility” (e.g. Weber et al. 2023), “firm as private commons” (Chassagnon, 2016), “incommensurability of values” (Martinez-Alier, 1995), and “power based view of the firm” (Chassagnon, 2014) inform a Ecological Economics based view of the Firm?
  • What can we learn from ecological economists and predecessors like Kapp, Polanyi, Georgescu-Roegen, Daly, Martinez-Alier, Holling, Bellamy Foster, and Harvey on business administration and management of the firm?
  • How can ecological economic tools and instruments of valuation such as Energy Return on Investment (EROI) be applied by firms ?

Session 18: Business and Environmental Justice: a Political Economy Perspective

The purpose of this Regular Track (RT) is to explore the political economy and political ecology of corporate-EJ dynamics addressing how environmental conflicts result from corporate strategies.
This RT draws on several theoretical fields, adopting a critical approach to business and CSR as a means of addressing the advancement of the EJ global movement. It aims to enlarge understanding about corporate-EJ dynamics, exploring political ecology/economy perspectives to unpack power relations and the ethical concerns at play.

The aim is to follow a Paper Discussion Workshop structure, with interactive participation and in-depth discussion of the papers.
The ultimate goal is to advance theoretical and empirical understandings aiming potential submissions to the “Call for Papers – Business and Environmental Justice: a Political Economy Perspective” in the Journal of Business Ethics by January 2024.

Visit the website to see the full panel proposal:

Deadline for abstract submission:  2 May 2023

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