Gabriel WEBER
Professeur d'études internationales et développement durable - ESSCA

Our Institute member Gabriel Weber is part of an international team with Professors Bobby Banerjee, Joan Martínez-Alier, Ana Maria Peredo and Beatriz Macchione Saes working on a special issue of the Journal of Business Ethics.
For this publication, "Business and environmental justice: a political economy perspective", the editors are calling for contributions until 10 January 2024.

Contributions, whether theoretical, empirical or methodological, should address the following questions, among others:

  • How can we use case studies, country and firm comparative case studies to identify and confront contradictions and inconsistencies between corporate sustainability initiatives and environmental
    justice impacts?
  • What is the interplay between the adoption of CSR instruments and environmental conflicts, claims for justice and business ethics, and clashing of valuation languages?
  • What is the role of ecological distribution conflicts in revealing corporate misconduct related to the environment? What can we learn from cases of international litigation on environmental damages against large corporations (such as Total in Myanmar, Chevron-Texaco in Ecuador) and from historical firm misbehaviour (for example, Total’s and Exxon’s climate change denial in the 1980s; Bonneuil et al., 2021)
  • What is the role of tech companies – often considered amongst the most powerful in the world and having a huge (indirect) influence over total levels of consumption and extraction in local and global ecological conflicts as well as social metabolism?
  • How and why have social movements emerged from irresponsible firm behaviour? How have firms confronted these movements? (Peredo & McLean, 2020; Bontempi et al., 2021)
  • How can political ecology or political economy perspectives enhance our understanding of firm misbehaviour and corporate irresponsibility? How can we bring together concepts of political economy (e.g. role of government and power relationships) and political ecology as well as EJ (e.g. role of environmental conflict and social movements) to enhance our understanding of multinational firms and their social and environmental impacts?
  • How can concepts such as social metabolism, degrowth, or corporate social irresponsibility improve our understanding of the environmental and environmental justice impacts of multinational corporations and their sustainability initiatives?

Submission deadline: 10 January 2024

Click here to download the full call for papers.


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