We are delighted to announce that Marc Prieto and Assen Slim, both professors in economics at ESSCA, have seen a second edition (in French) of their book Consommer Moins pour Vivre Mieux : Idées Reçues sur la Décroissance released by the Le Cavalier Bleu publishing house. The first version of this book was originally published in 2010 with the objective to introduce the notion of « voluntary simplicity », a practice that has reached more and more people since the beginning of the century, militating for the end of mass consumption, and the energy and food waste it leads to.

Over the last two or three years, with increasing awareness of climate change and resource depletion, the concept of « degrowth » has made it into mainstream discourse. As experts on alternative ways of consuming – as evidenced through the publication in 2017 of their book Idées Reçues sur l’Economie Collaborative, – Marc Prieto and Assen Slim describe more objectively than any researcher of this field this controversial idea. This book is the best way to make your opinion on this concept, sometimes mentioned as the best solution to most of the problems of our society, or raised as an utopic and vain, if not dangerous, way of thinking.

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