researchThe most recent research seminar organised by the EU-Asia Institute on Tuesday 6 December featured three presentations with a focus on a major Asian country respectively. It was an opportunity to discuss with Antonella Forganni, Cyril Fouillet and Naveed Akhter their current research work in progress.

Antonella presented the draft of a book chapter she currently works on, making sense of the Shifting Patterns of EU-China Relations.

Based on recent collaborative and comparative research Cyril explained how the principle of “financial inclusion” actually contributes to “state building in India”.

 Finally, Naveed, presented first preliminary findings from original research in Pakistan. His paper was entitled ‘When the Ground Stopped Shaking: Entrepreneurs’ Social Capital and Post-Disaster Recovery’.

All three presentations were followed by a lively debate.

Thomas Hoerber was particularly happy to welcome new colleagues both as presenters and in the audience; as well as interested students who were admitted for the first time to such a research seminar of the EU*Asia Institute.

The next research seminars organised by the EU-Asia Institute will be on the agenda in early 2017. The Paris campus will highlight Asian perspectives again, while a seminar on social business is planned for Angers. Lyon is likely to host a similar event on European issues like Brexit. In addition, the format of lunchtime seminars might be explored. Invitations will go out via the usual channels well in advance of these events.


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