About the Institute for Ethical fashion and ecological consumption
ESSCA's Institute for ethical fashion and ecological consumption ("MECE" - Mode éthique & consommation écologique) aims to be a multidisciplinary space for reflection on the practices, issues, and challenges surrounding the field of ethical fashion and, more broadly, the domain of ecological consumption. It is a place of open co-creation on an international scale, fostering the exchange of ideas between academics and field practitioners.
- Implementation of an ethical fashion consumption barometer: The idea is to explore, in a detailed manner, everything related to consumer behaviours in the realm of ethical fashion.
- Identification by academics and stakeholders in the field of ethical fashion of important and urgent topics to address, and conducting research to provide solutions to these topics and offer managerial recommendations.
- Raising awareness and disseminating knowledge about ethical fashion and all that it entails in terms of complexities and issues through a regular series of webinars targeted at all relevant stakeholders.