Together with Kristian L. Nielsen, Anna Dimitrova has contributed an article on the Trump administration to the “Policy Studies” special issue.

The Trump era has probably left a bitter taste for many of us. Nevertheless, it has been an important period in American politics with long-term effects on political leadership and democratic governance in the US and the world.
The new volume of Policy Studies, edited by Toby S. James, provides an extensive set of studies evaluating Trump’s impact on American society and beyond.

Associate professor, International Studies

Trump, Trust and the Transatlantic Relationship

After several publications on Trump’s policies (and especially his ‘America First’ policy), Anna Dimitrova continues her research in this field and co-authors an article with Kristian L. Nielsen in the “Policy Studies” special edition on “The Trump Administration”. In their article, the two authors focus on the crisis in transatlantic relations during Trump’s presidency and analyse the impact of his foreign policy on the mutual trust between Europe and the US. According to the authors, the Europe-US relationship has undergone a major shift from a relation based on shared values to a strategic one driven by financial and material interests, a situation that is unlikely to change rapidly, even with a new American president and administration.

Kristian L. Nielsen & Anna Dimitrova (2021) Trump, trust and the transatlantic relationship, Policy Studies, 42:5-6, 699-719, DOI: 10.1080/01442872.2021.1979501

Dr Anna Dimitrova is a fulltime professor at ESSCA and a member of the EU*Asia Institute. Her research interests focus on EU-US relations with a particular interest in US foreign policy.

Watch this video summary of “The Trump Administration”

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